Mediterranean Tourism Exchange

Success at Naples fair
for slow tourism
of Sicani Villages network

After foreign tour operators
from April 16 tour with journalists
of the national trade press

Positive results for the Sicani Villages network at the Mediterranean Tourism Exchange that just ended in Naples. Great was the interest aroused among the tour operators who participated in the twenty-seventh edition of the Btm, the most prestigious fair of the tourism sector held in the Mediterranean basin. With its more than twenty thousand and two hundred accredited professional visitors and its four hundred and fifty exhibitors, it was another good opportunity for Sicani Villages to activate synergies, so as to make more and more tourists and travelers discover and learn about the wonders of this corner of Sicily.

“Btm in Naples,” says Emanuele Farruggia, Sicani Villages communication organizer, “proved to be the right fair for us. One of the most significant moments of our participation, was undoubtedly the first day dedicated to the workshops; especially the one on tourism activities that take place in the open air, in contact with nature, it is as if it had been designed specifically for our territory that, from the mountains to the sea, lends itself to trekking and walking in general, as part of that slow tourism that enhances traditions and human capital. The focus of the Sicani Villages network is, in fact, individual experiential tourism.”

A tourism on a human scale, made up of small groups that, in a friendly atmosphere, come into contact with the most genuine realities of the territory; an area that, characterized mostly by small hotel facilities, is little adapted to the dynamics of mass tourism.
A “recipe” that was much liked by the sector operators present at the Btm; and numerous were those who asked to participate in the post tour, testifying to a special attention to an unseen Sicily, different from that of the usual circuits.

“In conjunction with our participation in the 27th edition of the Btm,” says Farruggia, “Swiss, Hungarian and Argentine operators arrived in the Sicans, to whom we made known the excellence of our territory. And the numerous requests to participate testify to a growing interest in our type of proposal. Absent the Sicilian Region, representing the island in Naples was us from Sicani Villages and the Trapani Chamber of Commerce. In short, it was a nice opportunity to promote a different Sicily, through direct contact with tour operators from around the world, always looking for something new and unusual.”

After foreign tour operators, in the territory of the Sicani Villages network comes the specialized press.
From April 16 to 19, in fact, there will be a press tour dedicated to the national press: “To participate,” says Farruggia, “will be journalists from prestigious newspapers, such as Bell’Italia, I Viaggi di Repubblica, Identity Style,, This will be followed by another educational, which will be attended by some of the most followed bloggers dealing with travel and tourism.”

Text by Editors