Network honored at TTG in Rimini

It is the best destination
Italian gastronomy
Travel Food Award to Sicans

The award given
by Gist, Italian Group
of the tourism press

Sicani Villages best gastronomic destination in Italy. The prestigious award was given to Sicani Villages by Gist, the Italian tourism press group, as part of the sixty-first edition of the TTG Travel Experience in Rimini, considered the most important trade fair for the promotion of world tourism.
The theme of this eighth edition of the Gist Travel Food Award won by Sicani Villages, is “Simplify to live in this world”; a theme chosen with the aim of focusing attention on the need to enhance the food universe, so important in the tourism development of a destination, including through the synthesis of product and experience offerings, while respecting quality and sustainability.
Collecting the award in Rimini, on behalf of all partners in the Sicani Villages network, was Salvatore Midulla of the “Olio di Valeria” company in San Biagio Platani.

“On behalf of all the components of Sicani Villages, we are really proud to communicate the victory of the Gist Travel Food Award 2024, received in the Sala Ravezzi of the TTG Travel Experience fair,” says Laura Massoni of Pure Sicily, leader of the tourism business network. “One year after the official presentation of our network of Sicilian realities, held during one of the days of the Rimini tourism event, it was great to return to the city of Romagna to collect the award for ‘best Italian gastronomic destination. Most of the excellences work unique products, sometimes little known and unknown to most people. The same happens within the Sicilian Villages and, for this very reason, we are very happy to have given voice to a land of treasures good to eat and drink. And above all proud to have enhanced the valuable work of the human capital that produces these excellences, committing themselves every day to protect a truly rare biodiversity.”

Sicani Villages is a cooperation network of microenterprises, associations, local authorities and operators of the tourism, production and cultural heritage supply chain, committed to the creation of a quality relational and experiential tourism offer, through the sharing of promotion and marketing strategies, resources and common work processes. A network of realities all partners in the “Rural Experiential Tourism of the Sicani” initiative, supported by the Gal Sicani local development agency under measure 19.2 of the 2014-2022 Sicily RDP, “Creation of networks between enterprises and systematization of non-hotel diffuse hospitality facilities in rural areas C and D.”

“We are very proud that the Sicani Villages network has been honored with this award,” says Gal Sicani President Salvatore Sanzeri. “This is a recognition that gratifies the promotional work done by the network of businesses in the tourism sector, testifying to the value of our food and wine excellence. Through the projects put in the pipeline by the various business networks in the tourism and agribusiness sector, Gal Sicani and its partnership have placed food and local productions at the center of its territorial development strategy, with special attention to small producers and processors, the true custodians of the traditions and cultural heritage of the Sicani Quality Rural District.”

Text by Editors