Excellence of the Sicans

In Sant’Angelo Muxaro
the second edition
of the Asparagus Festival

From April 25 to 27,
big celebration for the bridge
of Liberation

At its debut last year, also in April, the Sagra dell’asparago selvatico sicano di Sant’Angelo Muxaro exceeded all expectations, surpassing five thousand visitors who came from all over Sicily. An excellent result for the small Sican village of just over a thousand inhabitants, which for two days was pleasantly invaded by a festive army of foodies and agribusiness experts.
This year, therefore, given also the concomitance of Agrigento Capital of Culture 2025, which is already attracting many tourists to this corner of the island, in Sant’Angelo Muxaro optimism for the second edition of the event, is a must.
Dates have already been set for this second Sican Wild Asparagus Festival to be held on Friday, April 25, Saturday, 26 and Sunday, April 27: three days straddling the bridge of Italy’s Liberation Day from Nazifascism that, as one of the event’s posters reads, are also meant to be an invitation to silence the guns: “Eat asparagus and don’t make war.”

Three days of great celebration including tastings, show cooking, conferences, excursions and live music.
Three days to celebrate a unique product of the earth, which in these parts grows wild and is particularly good, so much so that it was one of the workhorses of the electoral program of the young mayor Angelo Tirrito, reappointed for the second term at the helm of Sant’Angelo Muxaro.
“Last year,” Tirrito says, “with huge buses or with their own cars, visitors arrived from all over the island and it was two days of great celebration not only of the Sicilian wild asparagus, but in general of the peasant culture and of the different excellences of our territory, such as extra virgin olive oil and wine. This year, taking advantage of the April 25 bridge, the days dedicated to the festival have become three and on the number of presences that we will record we are very optimistic, not only because of the concomitance of Agrigento Capital of Culture 2025, but also because, being the weekend following Easter, we think we can “network” with San Biagio Platani, where also this year the sumptuous Easter Arches will be set up, which attract many visitors.”

Not just a great festival. The Festival of the Sican Wild Asparagus of Sant’Angelo Muxaro also wants to be the driving force behind the cultivation of this excellent product rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and with well-known diuretic and depurative properties. Yes, because, as experts say, wild asparagus can be cultivated while maintaining its typical characteristics.
“To the two plants already existing in our territory,” says Mayor Angelo Tirrito, “in these days, another one has been added that will become fully operational in two to three years. Two other cultivation areas are located, however, in nearby San Biagio Platani. Our commitment, working together with Gal Sicani, is to raise awareness among farmers in order to encourage this particular type of cultivation, among other things well regarded by the European community.”

Text by Editors