A year of initiatives. It begins Saturday with a conference
A year of initiatives. It begins Saturday with a conference
From April 16 to 19, press tour with major tourism-related publications
Luna Minoica was established in 2016. Suites, apartments, glamping and fine dining on the dune
Salvatore Ferlita started with one car, now has 7 vehicles and works with tourists and pilgrims
Big party in Aragon with the typical dish in extra large version and the traditional dressing of Saints Peter and Paul
Every year tourists come from all over. At home and in the streets, people dance and eat “playing” the eternal struggle between good and evil
After foreign tour operators from April 16 tour with national trade press journalists
Swiss, Bulgarian and Argentine operators already arriving in Sicily
In the work of the two fraternities of Madunnara and Signurara involved the entire community
Saturday, April 13, and Sunday, April 14, big celebration including show cooking tastings and excursions