The project


The Project

The project aims to promote sustainable tourism, enhancing the artistic and cultural heritage, handicrafts and the agri-food sector of the Terre Sicane.

The aim is to create a network of real cooperation between microenterprises, associations and operators in the tourism, production and cultural heritage supply chain in order to develop a quality relational-experiential tourism offer through the sharing of promotion and marketing strategies and common work processes.

The aim is to promote the Terre Sicane regionally, nationally and internationally, both from the tourism and cultural point of view and from that of local productions, stimulating companies to create synergies, network interventions, exchange of skills and intersectoral interactions.

NOTICE NO. 1/2022 for the award of a position.

The company Pure Sicily s.r.l., the lead partner of the Sicilian Villages Network, as part of the project “Experiential Tourism of the Sicans” funded under the call of action 2.2.1. of the Sicani PAL, intends to make use of the collaboration of a highly professional expert to carry out the coordination support activity related to the implementation of the aforementioned project.

Application deadline 29/10/2022

NOTICE NO. 2/2022 for the award of a position.

The company Pure Sicily s.r.l., the lead partner of the Sicilian Villages Network, as part of the project “Experiential Tourism of the Sicans” funded under the call of action 2.2.1. of the Sicani PAL, intends to use the collaboration of a highly professional expert to carry out the territorial animation activity related to the implementation of the aforementioned project.

Application deadline 29/10/2022

Rete dei Borghi Sicani
Progetto “Turismo Rurale Esperienziale dei Sicani”
PSR Sicilia 2014-2022 – Sottomisura 19.2
GAL Sicani – Azione 2.2.1 “Creazione di reti e messa a sistema delle strutture di ospitalità diffusa extra alberghiera in area rurale C e D”
CUP D68J22000090009